Prophase Telecom use the fastest and stable wireless link of the Marketplace
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Prophase Telecom use the fastest and stable wireless link of the Marketplace
In the technological world the changes take place constantly and improve significantly the quality of the services . The technology of broadband internet access via radio link allows a very fast deployment of networ and with a very few competitive costs. Also it facilitates the deployment of other technologies as the telephony voip. For that reason from the engineering department of prophase telecom, we work to give solutions of high quality to our clients. In this occasion propahse telecom uses the radio link faster and more stable of the market with carrier class equipment, the radio link Alcoma 24f mp400mp400 with a capacity of 900mbps in free band. You can consult the characteristics of alcoma 24f mp400 here. Prophase Telecom proposes to you to check it for 3 months free. If you test it you will like it.